
African wild dogs: A species is vanishing

Less than 5000 African wild dogs are left on our planet – some sources claim there's even only 3000 animals left. Learn more about their threats in the following blog

Freiwilligenarbeit mit Wildhunden in Suedafrika

Within the last six months, 17 African wild dogs have become victims of poacher traps in KwaZulu-Natal. Thus, the total number of captured wild dogs increases to 46 within the last three and a half years. But thanks to close monitoring and dedicated conservationists, 31 of the 46 wild dogs could be rescued and many more saved from falling into traps. The majority of the animals that could not be rescued have been captured in more remote areas, so their detection has taken more time. Some of them died later from their severe injuries.

Artenschutz in Suedafrika: Wildhund mit Sender zu Ortungszwecken
Wildhund in der afrikanischen Savanne
Freiwilligenarbeit mit Wildhunden in Suedafrika

Worldwide only less than 5000 African wild dogs can be registered, possibly there are only 3000 remaining animals. Compared to that: The population of the rhinoceros, which is regarded as endangered, amounts to about 20,000 animals (however, the rhinoceros crisis should not be played down with it!). Fortunately, valuable conservation projects have been initiated, in which volunteers and professional conservationists dedicate themselves to the conservation of the wild dog. However, these projects are dependent on strong support in order to be able to continue to successfully combat the extinction of these impressive animals.

You would like to become active in species conservation in Southern Africa as well? Then take a look at our information page about volunteering in Africa. Conserving wild dogs, rhinos, vultures and other wildlife in South Africa, protecting elephants in Zambia and Namibia and preserving turtles in the Seychelles – lots of projects are looking for your helping hands. Or simply reach out to our team at Natucate. We are happy to help you!

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