
Volun­teering Siyafunda - Julia

In her review, Julia talks about her experiences as a volunteer in the wildlife project in Siyafunda. Find out more about her time in South Africa.



Name: Julia

Age : 26

Project: Wildlife Monitoring

Location: Makalali Game Reserve, South Africa

Duration: June 2024


Support from the NATUCATE team:


Partner on-site:


Volunteering Siyafunda – Julia

1) Could you give us a brief overview of your activities/tasks in the project/course?

The days were usually divided into a morning and an afternoon activity. These were either bushwalks, where we would leave the camp on foot, or game drives. Our task was to enter the data on the observed animals into designated apps. We spent one morning a week collecting trash along the riverbanks that had washed up during the rainy season. A special highlight was spending a night sleeping out in the reserve. The time between activities was often free, but sometimes there were lectures in the common room, or we reviewed the camera footage at the waterholes and recorded the animals again.

2) What was/were the biggest challenge(s) for you during the project/course?

Unexpectedly, one of the biggest challenges in the project was dealing with the extreme cold during the winter (our summer). This was especially noticeable during the sleep out, but also on the morning game drives when it could get quite chilly. Another challenge was to never forget that, despite a love for African wildlife, these are still wild and sometimes dangerous animals. A few times, I had to remind myself to maybe take a step back instead of wanting to get as close as possible when an elephant or lion was nearby.


3) Was there anything that you particularly liked? Or something that you remember particularly negatively?

My biggest highlight was definitely the sleep out. It was an incredible feeling to sleep under the starry sky in the middle of the wilderness, knowing that a wild animal could be nearby at any time. This experience had a very grounding effect because it made us realize that for many millennia, humans sat by the fire every night just like we did, watching for predators. This also bonded the group together. The drives back to camp in the evenings, often already dark, were also something very special. An incredible feeling when suddenly an animal emerges from behind the bushes.

4) Did you have any specific expectations before you traveled to the project/course? If so, were your expectations met, disappointed, or perhaps exceeded?

I hoped for as many activities on foot as possible because it gives you a completely different feel for the nature around you. This expectation was fully met as there were always bushwalks. Although you can never promise to see all the desired animals, I secretly hoped for many encounters with the Big Five. My expectations were also exceeded here; the rangers put in a lot of effort to show you exciting animals, and the best encounters often came as surprises.


5) Did you do anything in your free time that you can recommend to future participants?

On weekends, trips to a waterfall, Kruger Park, and Blyde River Canyon were offered, which I can highly recommend. Since you only see the reserve during the week, this is a great opportunity to get to know more of the country. Every Monday, the new volunteers were picked up in Hoedspruit; if there were free spots in the car, you could join and do some shopping or relax in a café.

6) What tips/recommendations would you give to other participants who want to do the project/course? (e.g., tips that would have helped you in advance or during the trip)

Go into the project openly and try to participate in as many activities as possible; it's really worth it. In the South African winter (June to August), it's very important to bring enough warm clothing, which I slightly underestimated. If you are vegetarian or have dietary restrictions, be sure to mention this in advance. A lot of consideration was given to ensure that everyone had the right food.


7) Can you estimate how much additional cost you had on site? – We can pass this information on to future participants.

The costs for optional trips were about 100 euros in total. For additional purchases (snacks, soft drinks, etc.), I spent about 60-70 euros. But there is also very tasty food in the camp, so you don't need much of that.

8) Here is space for any other questions/suggestions/ideas/reports, or stories from you:

I can really recommend the project overall; it was an exciting and enriching experience that I will certainly remember for a long time. We had daily visits from wild animals in the camp; elephants stood behind our kitchen, and nyalas by the campfire. During the sleep out, a pair of lions visited us in the middle of the night. Being so close to the animals and nature makes this project something special.

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