
Intern­ship abroad: How to find a suitable intern­ship

The following blog reveals more information and advice on how to find an internship abroad that perfectly suits you. Learn more

Travel Guide

This will largely depend on your academic background. Your studies or job must have a connection to the field in which the internship is provided. This ensures that you can build on everything that you are already know while gaining some practical experience. It also means that the content of the internship will not be completely new to you. This will allow you to use your existing skills to become a valuable member of the company providing your internship.

You should identify which specific aspects are most interesting to you and how much time you have available. We offer internships in a wide variety of fields. The length of your stay can be from a few months up to a whole year.
You should also consider what kind of a budget you have available and what financing options are open to you. You can find a few tips in the next section. You should also bear in mind that your flights, transfer, visa, vaccinations and insurance will all cost money.

Details about each field are available in the internship descriptions on our homepage. Please contact us if you have any questions, and we will be happy to help you.

Duration of your overseas internship and preparation time

Your internship can last from eight weeks through to a year. However, we recommend going for at least three months so that you can acclimatize and get used to where you are. This will give you the best chances of benefiting from your overseas internship in your career.


If you are interested in an overseas internship, you should contact us as early as possible. If you are planning on an internship outside of Europe, you should apply at least six months in advance.

We can help you to choose an internship

You should contact us as soon as you have decided on an internship. This will give us time to answer any questions that you might have and provide help with any uncertainties.

It is important that you contact us as early as possible so that we have enough time for the application an placement process. Once the application process is complete, we will provide practical assistance and advice to help you plan the remaining aspects of your overseas internship.

It is extremely important to us that you have an accurate impression of what to expect from your internship. We are committed to preparing you as well as possible and providing you with all of the information you need for your time overseas. Please feel free to contact us at any time if you have any unanswered questions.

We also recommend that you look up information about the country you’re going to and its culture on your own. You can use travel literature to do this, but blogs and forums are also helpful sources of information from people sharing their experiences. They can also provide some tips and advice.

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