
Your trip at a glance


  • Experi­ence a training adventure in the world-renowned Okavango Delta
  • Acquire essential ranger knowledge and skills
  • Learn from profes­sional and experi­enced field guides
  • Live and learn as part of an inter­na­tional student group
  • Get the chance to enjoy breath­taking wildlife sightings
  • Spend the night under Africa’s fasci­nating night sky
  • Receive two officially recog­nised quali­fi­ca­tions at the end of the course


Okavango Delta

Plan your trip

  • Included in the programme fee
    • Placement in the programme
    • Assistance with travel arrangements
    • Assistance with selecting travel insurance
    • Assistance with booking flights
    • Risk coverage certificate

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Terry, your travel agent for Botswana

You would like to learn more about this trip? Don't hesitate to contact me! Our service doesn't end with your departure: I answer all of your questions and support you before, during and after your stay abroad.

Note: The price stated above is an approximate value. Due to sharp fluctuations in the exchange rate of the USD, the final price for this trip will be calculated at the time of enquiry based on the latest exchange rate.

Eine Herde von Impalas streift durch den Busch Botswanas auf der Suche nach guten Futterstellen
Beobachtung dreier Loewen in Interaktion bei einem Ausflug des Rangerkurses in den Busch Botswanas
Eine Studentin des Rangerkurses in Botswana wird im Camp von ihrem Guide unterrichtet
Eine Teilnehmerin des Rangerkurses trainiert zusammen mit ihrem Guide am Okavango Delta
Teilnehmern des Rangerkurses beobachten versteckt hinter Bueschen zwei Elefanten am Wasserloch
Im Rahmen eines Game drive durch Botswanas Busch durchqueren die Teilnehmer mit einem Gelaendewagen einen Fluss
Sichtung einer Giraffe bei Ausflug des Natur- und Rangerkurses in Botswana
Teilnehmer des Natur- und Rangerkurses in Botswana beobachten bei einer Pirschwanderung Tiere im Busch
Grosse Zelte dienen den Teilnehmern des Rangerkurses in Botswana als Unterkunft und als Forschungsstation
Die angehenden Ranger erhalten Unterricht im Spurenlesen im botswanischen Busch

Field Guide training in Botswana

Experience a unique educational adventure amidst the breathtaking nature of the Okavango Delta and become a certified FGASA or BQA Field Guide within 28 days.

Beobachtung dreier Loewen in Interaktion bei einem Ausflug des Rangerkurses in den Busch Botswanas

Arrival and orien­ta­tion in the Okavango Delta

After your arrival at Maun airport/Botswana you will be picked up and taken to your training camp in the Southern Okavango Delta. There you can become familiar with the camp facilities and meet other participants.

Die angehenden Ranger erhalten Unterricht im Spurenlesen im botswanischen Busch

Topics of the field guide course in Botswana

During your field guide training to become, experienced guides will teach you topics like geology, ecology, hydrology, astronomy and weather and climate of Botswana and share their expert knowledge with you. You will acquire important navigation skills as well as bush survival skills to be able to orient yourself in the African bush. In addition to that you will be taught the ancient art of tracking and be introduced to Botswana’s flora and fauna.

Depending on the season you will practice how to navigate in a motoring boat or a mokoro, a traditional dugout canoe in Southern Africa and common transportation on the Okavango. During long game walks and game drives you will be taken deep into the African bush, increasing your knowledge and hopefully experiencing unique wildlife sightings.

Grosse Zelte dienen den Teilnehmern des Rangerkurses in Botswana als Unterkunft und als Forschungsstation

During the course you will participate in wilderness sleep-outs under the incomparable African night sky – this does not only sharpen your senses but also gives you the opportunity to gain valuable knowledge in astronomy.

Most of the time your day begins before sunrise: after having a light breakfast, you will leave for Botswana’s wilderness to explore the local flora and fauna. Around noon you will return to the camp, have lunch and a short break and will take part in theoretical lessons.

In the late afternoon there will be a second game walk or drive in order to test the skills you have just gained before leaving for the camp at dusk.

Ein Guide fuehrt seine Gruppe von angehenden Rangern durch den Busch Botswanas

All students receive a certificate of attendance after the course is finished. Students, who would like to improve skills on a professional level, can acquire two official qualifications as part of a final exam at the end of the course:

- BQA – Level 2: qualification of Botswana Training Authority (BQA), which allows holders to work as guides in Botswana.
- FGASA – NQF2 (formerly: FGASA Level 1): qualification of Field Guide Association of Southern Africa (FGASA), which allows holders to work as guides in South Africa. If you would like to take the FGASA NQF2 test, you must complete the pre-course workbooks and prepare the required lecture material. In addition, you need to take the four-week course – you can do it in units instead of doing it in one session.

Ein Zelt steht im Dickicht der botswanischen Natur und dient als Unterkunft der Teilnehmer des Rangerkurses

Accom­mo­da­tion as a guide student in Southern Africa

Together with other course participants you will be living in the Kwapa training camp, which is located in Southern Okavango Delta near Qwapa River. You will sleep in a 3x3 meters high wall wilderness style tent which provides a bed, a bed table and a LED-light. Usually, two participants share a tent. The tents are connected to an ensuite-bathroom which provides a typical “bush toilet” and a bucket shower. There also is a large verandah with a stand-basin and a relaxing chair. You will be provided with three daily meals, and also receive coffee and tea throughout the day.

Teilnehmern des Rangerkurses beobachten versteckt hinter Bueschen zwei Elefanten am Wasserloch

Leisure time during your nature training in Africa

After returning back to camp in the later afternoon you can use the rest of the day for your own activities. Spend time talking to other course students, play games, read a book or simply enjoy the surrounding nature.

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Learn what others say about their Natucate adventure.

Begegnung mit Elefanten im Field Guide Kurs im Okavango Delta
Sonnenuntergang beim Game Drive in Botswana
Review Basic Field Guide Training Botswana – Rebekka

“How do I put into words what I experienced during the most inspiring five and a half weeks of my life in the Okavango Delta in Botswana? Actually, it's impossible, because there is only one way to really understand it: take the first step and go out into the wilderness yourself.”

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Review Basic Field Guide Training Botswana – Alexandra

“GOOD: The fantastic lessons (and game drives/bushwalks) (...). I also found the sleep-outs particularly good and very instructive. I wouldn’t mind doing this every week.”

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Review Basic Field Guide Training Botswana – Walter

“Kwapa Training Camp is a dream! The instructors are excellent and the team spirit is perfect.”

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Review Basic Field Guide Training Botswana – Birgit

“Learning so much was more than great – not only about nature on site, but also about things like communication, group management and feedback culture, as well as practical things that you might need everyday like patching up car tyres.”

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  • reiseorte-botswana-okavango-delta-elefanten-natucate
    1. Okavango Delta

    The Okavango Delta in Botswana is without doubt one of the most spectacular natural sites in Southern Africa, if not in the entire world. Covering more than 20,000 km², the fertile oasis in the northwestern part of the country is the largest inland delta of our planet. The mighty UNESCO World Heritage Site is fed by the Okavango River, which once a year floods down from the highlands of Angola into an endless labyrinth of river courses, islands and lagoons. With a visit to the Delta, one of the last natural paradises on earth awaits you, whose awe-inspiring biodiversity will amaze every visitor.

    Learn more

Background of the field guide course in Botswana

When joining our field guide training in Botswana you experience an incomparable educational adventure amidst the breathtaking wilderness of the Okavango Delta and become a certified FGASA or BQA Apprentice Field Guide within four weeks. The course consists of theoretical and practical units in which you will gain essential field guide knowledge. Your classroom – the fascinating Okavango Delta – is the biggest inland delta in the world and stretches about 20.000 sq. km into the Kalahari, one of the biggest deserts worldwide.

The private, unfenced concession area in which your camp is situated is a perfect place for stunning nature and wildlife observations. Resident on the concession are lion, leopard, cheetah, wild dog, white rhinoceros, elephant, buffalo, hippo and much more – an impressive region providing a suitable setting for your personal educational adventure.


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