Guides beobachten einen Gepard auf Jagd in der kenianischen Steppe waehrend eines Rangerkurses

Your trip at a glance


  • Enjoy a four-week Safari Guide training
  • Live and learn as part of an inter­na­tional team
  • Acquire essential knowledge about Africa’s nature – theoret­i­cally and practi­cally
  • Learn how to safely and profes­sion­ally conduct guest safaris
  • Experi­ence Kenya’s plant and animal life as part of daily excur­sions into the bush


Camp Mara

Plan your trip

  • Included in the programme fee
    • Placement in the programme
    • Assistance with travel arrangements
    • Assistance with selecting travel insurance
    • Assistance with booking flights
    • Risk coverage certificate

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Terry, your travel agent for Kenya

You would like to learn more about this trip? Don't hesitate to contact me! Our service doesn't end with your departure: I answer all of your questions and support you before, during and after your stay abroad.

Note: The price stated above is an approximate value. Due to sharp fluctuations in the exchange rate of the South African Rand, the final price for this trip will be calculated at the time of enquiry based on the latest exchange rate.

Sichtung eines Elefanten, der durch die Steppe der Masai Mara wandert waehrend eines Rangerkurses
Studenten eines Rangerkurses beobachten eine Giraffe in direkter Naehe bei einem Safari Trip
Sichtung eines Warzenschweins bei einer Safari durch die kenianische Naturlandschaft
Auszubildende eines Rangerkurses beobachten einen Kampf zwischen zwei Impalas in der kenianischen Steppe
Guides beobachten einen Gepard auf Jagd in der kenianischen Steppe waehrend eines Rangerkurses
Beobachtung einer Giraffe in der Savanne Kenias waehrend eines Ausflugs der Guides
Ausblick auf die Masai Mara bei Abendsonne im Rahmen eines Rangerkurses

Safari Guide training in Kenya

As a participant in our four-week Safari Guide course in Kenya’s wild nature you acquire valuable knowledge about the African flora and fauna and learn how to professionally lead a safari with guests.

Ein Zebra steht mit seinem Fohlen in der kenianischen Naturlandschaft und grast

Arrival and orien­ta­tion in East Africa

You will arrive in Nairobi one day before the course begins. Your first night will be spent in a hostel in the city. The following day you will be picked up from the hostel and taken to your camp, where you will get to know the other course members. You will be brought back to Nairobi at the end of the course. After that, you are free to continue travels or return home.


Activ­i­ties during the Safari Guide course in Africa

Naturally, the focus of the Kenya Safari Guide course is on practical matters, but theoretical aspects are not neglected. The experienced instructors, who have years of training, will teach you about animal behaviour and the geological, ecological and meteorological aspects of the local environment. How to plan a safari is an integral part of the course. The knowledge acquired, how to read tracks and hoofprints, can be put directly into practice on lengthy walks and excursions in a jeep. Day in, and day out you will encounter lions, elephants, birds and many other creatures living in the wild, enabling you to experience Africa’s unique beauty at close quarters.


Accom­mo­da­tion in Kenya

You and the other course participants will live together in the Mara training centre, where you are accommodated in shared rooms and have access to shared bathrooms. You are provided with three to four daily meals. The camp's electricity comes from generators, because it has no connection to the power grid. It also has solar lamps and satellite telephones, as mobile reception is generally quite poor.


Leisure time during your Safari Guide course in Kenya

You will have the occasional afternoon free over the course of the 28 days. You can spend this time however you like. You could use it to revise or to do something with the other participants. The common area is good for playing cards together or swapping stories about the day.

FAQ – Learn more about this trip

Learn what others say about their Natucate adventure.

Review Safari Guide Botswana – Lisa

“When I started the course, my goal was to simply be in nature and watch various animals – “back to the roots” so to speak. These expectations were more than exceeded.”

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Review Safari Guide Botswana – Annika

“It was an unforgettable and breathtaking experience!”

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Review Safari Guide South Africa – Katharina

“Enjoy your time in the bush and savour each moment. Each day is different: you can learn, see, hear, feel and smell something new all the time.”

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Review Photos Safari Guide Botswana – Lisa

Lisa joined our Safari Guide course in Botswana – and sent us some amazing wildlife images she took during her time in Southern Africa. Please take a look at them and enjoy.

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  • reiseorte-kenia-camp-mara-zelt-natucate
    1. Camp Mara

    Camp Mara is located on the edge of the Mara River in western Kenya. It evolved from informal community meetings held under an acacia tree in the Enonkishu Sanctuary in the Masai Mara. Surrounded by small Masai communities and excellent wildlife areas, it offers students an ideal base from which to get to know both the impressive nature and the inhabitants of the Masai Mara. Here, in the east of the African continent, you will spend an educational time in harmony with nature and gain an insight into the coexistence as well as into the human-wildlife conflict between pastoralists and farmers and the native wild animals.

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Background of the Safari Guide course in Kenya

Experience Kenya's breathtaking wilderness and get enchanted by the diverse animal and plant life. The Safari Guide course either takes place in the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy or in the world-famous Masai Mara. Immerse yourself into the savannah each day and observe wild animals in their natural habitat. By taking part in daily bush walks and game drives you find out what to do in order to treat this natural landscape respectfully and sustainably.

The course is an ideal preparation in case you would like to join our Professional Field Guide training. But even as a life-changer who seeks for a time out from the daily routine or as a true outdoor adventurer, the course will be just right for you. Discover Kenya's untouched beauty from up close and experience an incomparable nature training in the midst of Africa's fascinating wilderness.


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