Aufnahme eines Bruellaffens auf einem Ast mit Baby auf dem Ruecken waehrend einer Rangertour

Your trip at a glance


  • Experi­ence a research adventure in the midst of the Amazon rainforest
  • Gather valuable knowledge in the field of genomics
  • Immerse yourself among the biocenoses and habitats of the Amazon Basin
  • Step out of your comfort zone and experi­ence hands-on research in one of the most biodi­verse regions of the world
  • Join a community of inter­na­tional researchers and build a valuable, lasting network


Amazon Rainforest
Nahaufnahme eines Affen auf Bambus im Amazonas waehrend eines Rangerkurses
Aufnahme eines Bruellaffens auf einem Ast mit Baby auf dem Ruecken waehrend einer Rangertour
Vogelperspektive eines Camps im Amazonas per Drohne fotografiert
Eine Familie faehrt zusammen mit einem Ranger per Boot ueber einen Fluss im Amazonas

Research course on genomics in Peru

As a participant in our research course in Peru you broaden your knowledge in the field of genomics and can explore the fascinating nature of the Amazon rainforest from up close.

Ein Tamarin Affe sitzt fressend auf einem Ast im Amazonas

Arrival and orien­ta­tion in South America

After arriving at Puerto Maldonado’s International Airport, you will be picked up and taken by van to the town of Laberinto (1-hour drive). From there, you take a 6-hour upstream boat ride to the field station in the Amazonian rainforest. After your arrival at the station, you will have some time to get used to your new surroundings and will then be introduced to the programme that you’ll be a part of for the coming two weeks.

Ein Student steht auf einer Haengebruecke und fotografiert das Dickicht des Regenwaldes waehrend einer Rangerfuehrung

Topics of the research course on genomics

Biologists are increasingly relying on the exciting discoveries in genetic research technology to understand the building blocks of species physiology and behaviour - and there is still so much more to discover! Within the field of wildlife biology, we are able to use DNA to define populations, better understand immunity, disease occurrence, paternal lines, analyse mating systems, and dig deeper into the world of microbiome diversity. The advancements in genetic research have allowed for a new level of access by which biologists worldwide can now conduct their DNA extraction, amplification, and sequencing in the field instead of sending samples to large labs for analysis.

Studenten auf einer gefuehrten Rangertour laufen auf Stegen durch den dichten Regenwald

In this course, the focus will be on the application of molecular methods to characterize biodiversity through three distinct approaches: standard species molecular classification technique (utilizing well-established mitochondrial gene markers), a metagenomic method designed to differentiate populations or resolve ambiguous taxonomic groups, and a metagenomic target enrichment strategy employing Nanopore adaptive sequencing technology. Participants will actively participate in the non-invasive collection of DNA samples from vertebrate taxa (which may encompass herpetofauna, small mammals, and birds) and samples from relatively stagnant water sources like clay licks, palm swamps, and oxbow lakes.

Aufnahme eines Bruellaffens auf einem Ast mit Baby auf dem Ruecken waehrend einer Rangertour

The diverse samples will require that participants implement various DNA extraction and preservation techniques. Alongside hands-on training in the well-equipped genetics laboratory deep within the rainforest, participants will gain expertise in best-practice methods for data collection, sample organization, preparation, and preservation. They will work alongside experienced biologists to help further the exciting discoveries within genetic research and conservation biology. After completing the course, participants will receive a certificate and a course grade with detailed feedback. Depending on the home university, students may also get academic credit points for this course.

Zwei Huetten im Camp dienen als Forschungsstation fuer die Rangerkurse

Accom­mo­da­tion in the Amazon rainforest

During your time in the course, you will live and work in a field station within the Peruvian rainforest. You will be accommodated with three other participants in a dorm room separated by gender. With your roommates, you will share an en-suite bathroom. In addition, the station is equipped with a lounge, a communal area and a dining room. Everyday breakfast, lunch and dinner will be prepared for you.


Leisure time during your stay abroad in Peru

During the course, there is always time for your own activities in between. Bring some TV series, movies and books. Or simply relax together with the other course participants and enjoy the nature you are surrounded by. There is also a volleyball court where you can play a round together.

FAQ – Learn more about this trip

Learn what others say about their Natucate adventure.

Review Internship Abroad Peru – Aida

“I found it particularly great to have the opportunity to gain an insight into each team’s work.”

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Review Internship Abroad Peru – Lydia

“But not only did I adapt, I even learned to love it. I fell in love with the forest, the animals, and the green and for the first time I had the feeling that my work was contributing something valuable to the world. [...] I recommend this project to anyone who is looking for a special challenge, beautiful nature or professional prospects.”

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Review Field Guide Level 1 Africa – Carina

“Many thanks for the great preparation and the constant availability when I had any questions!!!”

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Review Volunteering South Africa Zululand – Marianne

“During the 6 weeks I spent in KwaZulu Natal I finally found myself. From now on, this kind of project work and similar activities will be a part of my life.”

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Volunteering auf den Seychellen: Blick auf den Ozean mit Palmen am Strand
Freiwilligenarbeit auf den Seychellen umfasst das Pflegen und Aufziehen von Landschildkroeten
Review Volunteering Seychelles North Island – Petra

“Since most turtles are starting to come to the beach, night patrols belong to the daily routine. With a beautiful sky full of stars this is more fun that actual work.”

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  • reiseorte-peru-amazonas-regenwald-natucate
    1. Amazon Rainforest

    About 13% of the approximately 5,500,000 km² Amazon rainforest is located in Peru. As in other countries in South America where the Amazon rainforest is found, the Amazon rainforest in Peru is a real biodiversity hotspot due to its many endemic animal and plant species.

    The avifauna in particular is one of the richest in species worldwide. With over 1800 species, more birds live here than in Europe and North America together. But also large numbers of insects, reptiles and mammals can be found in the green depths and make the jungle of Peru an absolute must-see for all South American travellers and nature lovers.

    Learn more

Background of the genetics research course in Peru

Peru’s rainforest is part of the Amazon region, one of the tropical rainforests with the most diverse flora and fauna. As a so-called “biodiversity hotspot”, the region is characterised by its manifold diversity in plants and animals, as well as ecosystems that you will explore and research with your group. You will see numerous exotic species of plants and animals while learning within the Amazonian rainforest. Experience what it’s like to be a tropical biologist and get to know the Peruvian rainforest up close in this amazing research course.

The scientific field of genetics revolutionised biological research – especially in the last few years since instruments for molecular analysis in mobile field research facilities were developed. This way, hassles and barriers arising from transporting DNA-samples to distant labs with suitable equipment and know-how have been reduced. During your research adventure, you will learn to handle one of those new instruments, the USB-sized powerful sequencer MinION, as you will work with it on a regular basis. The course is designed to impart a broad spectrum of knowledge about research methods and the Amazon region to you. This knowledge is essential for your work in the collection of biological data of Amazonian wildlife, as well as for its sequencing and evaluation.


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