Nahaufnahme eines Pfotenabdrucks im afrikanischen Sand

Your trip at a glance


  • Enjoy a fasci­nating training adventure in Southern Africa
  • Acquire essential knowledge about the tracks of Africa’s wildlife
  • Discover the fasci­nating wilder­ness on daily game walks
  • Live and learn together with an inter­na­tional team
  • Get an official tracking certifi­cate


Camp Makuleke
Camp Karongwe
Camp Selati
Camp Pride­lands
Camp Pongola
Camp Mashatu

Plan your trip

  • Included in the programme fee
    • Placement in the programme
    • Assistance with travel arrangements
    • Assistance with selecting travel insurance
    • Assistance with booking flights
    • Risk coverage certificate

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Terry, your travel agent for Southern Africa

You would like to learn more about this trip? Don't hesitate to contact me! Our service doesn't end with your departure: I answer all of your questions and support you before, during and after your stay abroad.

Note: The price stated above is an approximate value. Due to sharp fluctuations in the exchange rate of the South African Rand, the final price for this trip will be calculated at the time of enquiry based on the latest exchange rate.

Ein Guide erklaert zwei Teilnehmern verschiedene Spuren im Sand im Morgengrauen
Eine Gruppe von Teilnehmern hockt zusammen mit dem Guide am Boden und liest Spuren im Sand
Nahaufnahme zweier Elefantenfuesse eines Elefanten, der in einer entspannten Position steht
Ein Guide und seine Gruppe an Teilnehmern wandern auf einer Pirschwanderung durch den Busch
Nahaufnahme eines Pfotenabdrucks im afrikanischen Sand

Animal tracking in Southern Africa

In this course you learn how to recognise the tracks of Southern Africa’s wild animals, to follow them and to read their behaviour while experiencing the pristine landscapes of South Africa and Botswana from up close.

Eine Gruppe von Teilnehmern hockt zusammen mit dem Guide am Boden und liest Spuren im Sand

Arrival and orien­ta­tion in Africa

You will arrive in Johannesburg one day before the commencement of the course, allowing for an overnight stay in the city. The following morning, you will be promptly transported to your designated camp.

Upon completion of the course, arrangements will be made for your transfer back to Johannesburg, facilitating the continuation of your journey or your return home.

Nahaufnahme eines Pfotenabdrucks im Sand und einer menschlichen Hand zum Groessenvergleich

Activ­i­ties as a tracking course student

You and your group will set off for your first excursion of the day in the early hours of the morning, where you will get some practical experience with finding tracks and tracking animals in the African wilderness. Upon returning to camp before noon, you will engage in theoretical teaching units covering the landscape and the animals that live there.

The focus will be on recognizing tracks left by various animals, understanding their behavior, and assessing their freshness.

Nahaufnahme eines Leoparden mit entspannter Koerperhaltung

The group will set off for its second excursion of the day in the afternoon to apply the theory in the wilderness. You will interpret the tracks that you find as a group along with your professional course leader, match them up to the right animal and follow them.

The 7-day course will train you in the fundamentals of animal tracks and how to interpret them. You could graduate with:

- Tracker Academy Track and Sign Certificate

Nahaufnahme eines Pfotenabdrucks in steiniger Erde

The 14-day course builds on what you learned in the 7-day course. You have the chance to be given a certificate at the end of the course after passing a test. This certificate is issued by FGASA.

You could graduate with:

- Tracker Academy Track and Sign Certificate
- Tracker Academy Trailing Certificate
- Tracker Academy Tracker Certificate
- FGASA Tracker Level 2 Certificate

Eine durch Stelzen leicht erhoehte Huette mit Veranda im Camp

Accom­mo­da­tion in Southern Africa

You will be paired with another member of the group for accommodation, either in stilt houses equipped with connected toilet and shower facilities or in two-person tents with shared bathrooms. You can expect to receive three to four meals daily.

The camps derive their electricity from generators due to their lack of connection to the power grid. Additionally, solar lamps and satellite telephones are employed for emergencies, given the typically poor mobile reception in the area.

Eine Teilnehmerin sitzt auf einem Safari-Wagen und beobachtet eine Bueffel Herde in direkter Naehe

Leisure time during your outdoor adventure

Throughout the course, you'll enjoy several leisurely afternoons and evenings, ideal for relaxation or further learning. Depending on the camp's amenities, you may engage in activities such as volleyball or table tennis, peruse the library for a good read, or partake in card games. Additionally, we suggest bringing along items such as a book, diary, music with headphones, or any other form of entertainment to enhance your overall experience.

Learn what others say about their Natucate adventure.

Review Tracking and Field Guide Level 1 Africa – Katrin

“During these excursions our practical skills got tested: Guiding, driving, tracking, trees, animal behaviour – we literally dealt with anything that crossed our path.”

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Review Photos Tracking and Wildlife Photography South Africa – Gunter

Gunter took part in our Tracking as well as in our Wildlife Photography course in South Africa. Here you can find some fascinating impressions of his unforgettable time in the midst of wild nature:

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Review Safari Guide South Africa – Katharina

“Enjoy your time in the bush and savour each moment. Each day is different: you can learn, see, hear, feel and smell something new all the time.”

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Review Safari Guide Botswana – Lisa

“When I started the course, my goal was to simply be in nature and watch various animals – “back to the roots” so to speak. These expectations were more than exceeded.”

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  • reiseorte-suedafrika-camp-makuleke-entspannen-haengematte-natucate
    1. Camp Makuleke

    Camp Makuleke is located in the Pafuri region in the northern part of South Africa's Kruger National Park. A multitude of fascinating wild animals can be observed in this area and impressive areas can be admired.

    If you opt for nature-oriented further education with a stay in Makuleke, you will gain insights into the breathtaking nature of Kruger National Park and if you are lucky you can maybe spot the "Big Five": African elephant, rhino, African buffalo, lion and leopard. Hikes and game drives in open off-road vehicles enable you to experience a superb diversity of flora and fauna – a true enrichment.

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  • reiseorte-suedafrika-camp-karongwe-zelt-natucate
    2. Camp Karongwe

    The South African camp Karongwe is situated at the mostly dried out riverbed of the Karongwe River, in the middle of an area of about 9000 hectares, which will impress you by its biodiversity as well as its picturesque landscapes.

    Nearby you can find the breathtaking Kruger National Park, well-known as one of the largest protected areas in South Africa. Immerse yourself into the spectacular natural landscapes during daily game drives and bush walks, experience the biodiversity of the Karongwe Game Reserve up close and expand your knowledge of the region’s unique flora and fauna under the guidance of experienced field guides.

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  • reiseorte-suedafrika-camp-selati-meetinghall-lecture-natucate
    3. Camp Selati

    Camp Selati is located west of the world-famous Kruger National Park. Situated directly on the banks of the Selati River, it is a wonderful observation point for numerous wild animals that cool off from the South African heat in the water of the river.
    By participating in an advanced training course in the wilderness of the Selati Game Reserve, you are choosing one of the most interesting regions on the African continent. 33,000 hectares offer plenty of space for a species-rich fauna and flora which you can immerse yourself into during daily game drives and bush walks.

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  • reiseorte-suedafrika-camp-pridelands-feuerstelle-natucate
    4. Camp Pridelands

    Camp Pridelands is located in South Africa's Limpopo province and has been part of the world-famous Kruger National Park since September 2017. In Pridelands a wealth of fascinating wildlife observations can be made – from animals like elephants and lions to hyenas and if you are lucky even the African wild dog.

    As part of your educational nature adventure, you and your team will set off into the wilderness every day under the guidance of an experienced guide to acquire valuable knowledge about the flora and fauna of the region and to learn more about nature and species conservation as well as current measures and initiatives to preserve biodiversity.

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  • reiseort-suedafrika-camp-pongola-natucate
    5. Camp Pongola

    Camp Pongola is nestled into the wilderness of Pongola Game Reserve in the north-east of South Africa, near the Swaziland border. Endless green expanses and a diverse animal world are characteristic of the region. Four of the Big Five are at home at Pongola – elephant, buffalo, leopard and rhino – as well as hippos, crocodiles, hyaenas, giraffes, wildebeest, zebras, warthogs, twelve antelope species and more than 350 bird species.

    Every day, you and your team will set out into the beautiful Pongola wilderness to learn more about the unique flora and fauna and to acquire more in-depth knowledge about guiding as well as nature and species conservation.

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  • natucate-botswana-camp-mashatu-new-meru-style-tents-location
    6. Camp Mashatu

    The breathtaking Camp Mashatu is located in the Mashatu Game Reserve, part of the Northern Tuli Game Reserve in Botswana – one of the most beautiful areas in the country. The unique flora and fauna of the region promises countless unforgettable nature experiences. Here you can experience the wilderness by staying in Meru-style tents.

    As part of your advanced training adventure with Natucate, you will complete an intensive and enriching nature training course that will bring you closer to the magnificent flora and fauna of this special area every day. In particular, the Limpopo, one of Botswana's largest rivers near the Mashatu Game Reserve, has a major influence on the vegetation and occurrence of native wildlife.

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Background of the tracking course in Southern Africa

Swap the pace of your hectic everyday life for the serenity of the bush, and dive into the untouched natural landscape of Africa. The endless landscape provides a rare opportunity to rediscover yourself and your environment with all of your senses. Regardless of whether you are looking for a sabbatical, some personal eco training, or just a trip to the wilderness, you will have an unforgettable time in the African bush.

The purpose of the course is to revive traditional expertise which has become increasingly rare in order to bring it to life for interested people from around the world. The course covers the art of tracking, which is becoming increasingly forgotten due to the increasing urbanisation of Africa. You will learn how to get your bearings in the wilderness of Southern Africa, while your theoretical teaching units will give you an insight into what earlier hunters and gatherers did. This includes mastering the art of building a trap from natural materials (without actually catching any animals), finding bird nests, water sources and been able to identify which fruits you can eat and which you can’t.


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