Ein Kaiserschnurrbarttamarin im Geaest des Regenwaldes

Your trip at a glance


  • Live and work in the midst of Peru’s Amazon rainforest
  • Acquire new knowledge about the primates of the Amazon
  • Become familiar with methods of data collec­tion and analysis
  • Meet people from all over the world
  • Experi­ence the superb biodi­ver­sity of the Peruvian rainforest


Amazon Rainforest
Ein Primat sitzt in den Aesten des Amazonas und schaut sich um
Praktikanten beobachten das Geschehen mit Hilfe von Fernglaesern
Ein bunter Vogel sitzt im Regenwald des peruanischen Amazonas
Eine Praktikantin des Naturschutzprojektes laeuft ueber eine Bruecke im Regenwald
Ein Kaiserschnurrbarttamarin im Geaest des Regenwaldes
Krankheitsoekologie in Peru: Ein Kaiserschnurrbarttamarin hangelt sich von Ast zu Ast

Your internship in South America

As an intern in this fascinating programme you track primate species and groups, observe their behaviour, take samples to monitor the health of the animals and enter all data into a database – this way, you gain valuable hands-on experience in primate research.

Ein Primat der mit einem Ortungsgeraet ausgestattet wurde wird zu ID erkennung fotografiert

Arrival and orien­ta­tion in Peru

After your arrival at Puerto Maldonado International Airport, a team member of our partner picks you up and takes you to a hostel in the city where you spend the first night. On the next day, you make your way to the Los Amigos research station that is located at the foot of the Southern Andes in the Amazon rainforest.

Praktikanten waten durch den durch den Regen ueberfluteten Regenwald

Research topics of the project

The focus of this programme is on species research. The tasks here especially include identifying primate species, following and observing primate groups and collecting and securing faeces samples that can provide the most important information on DNA, the hormonal balance, parasitic infestations and the nutritional habits of an animal. In your leisure time, you can participate in exciting activities such as tracking the anaconda that has its habitat in the palm swamp of Pozo don Pedro or observing the endangered giant otter in Lake Cocha Lobo.

Ein Praktikant macht Fotos vom peruanischen Regenwald im Amazonas

Accom­mo­da­tion in Peru

The research station of our partner will be your home during the programme. The station has a laboratory, a classroom, a library, a dining room and two dormitories with bunk beds and shared bathrooms. You will be provided with breakfast, lunch and dinner; snacks are also available during your meals.
You may stay in Puerto Maldonado for one night after you have left the research station. During this hostel stay you will be provided with breakfast but need to obtain your lunch and dinner yourself.

Die Praktikanten des Pimatenprogramms in Peru fahren mit einem Boot ueber den Amazonas

Leisure time as an intern

We recommend you bring some books, movies and TV series since there will be time for your own activities in between. You can also borrow books from the well-equipped library.

FAQ – Learn more about this trip

Learn what others say about their Natucate adventure.

Review Internship Abroad Peru – Aida

“I found it particularly great to have the opportunity to gain an insight into each team’s work.”

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Review Volunteering Costa Rica – Nathalie

“Observing the turtles was breathtaking and so incredibly exciting! The hatching of the sweet babies and the place itself is simply incredible.”

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Review Volunteering Maldives – Martina

“The project is beautiful. You work in an idyllic landscape and have the opportunity to experience a lot. Encountering all these impressive sea creatures was incredible. The team on site is fantastic and the other volunteers were like close friends after a very short time.”

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Review Professional Field Guide Africa – Marc Aurel

“The experiences you can gain are unique – especially when roaming the bush on foot.”

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  • reiseorte-peru-amazonas-regenwald-natucate
    1. Amazon Rainforest

    About 13% of the approximately 5,500,000 km² Amazon rainforest is located in Peru. As in other countries in South America where the Amazon rainforest is found, the Amazon rainforest in Peru is a real biodiversity hotspot due to its many endemic animal and plant species.

    The avifauna in particular is one of the richest in species worldwide. With over 1800 species, more birds live here than in Europe and North America together. But also large numbers of insects, reptiles and mammals can be found in the green depths and make the jungle of Peru an absolute must-see for all South American travellers and nature lovers.

    Learn more

Background of the wildlife intern­ship

Peru also has a dense rainforest area in the east of the country which is part of the Amazon. This area is considered a biodiversity hotspot due to the large number of endemic animal and plant species. As many secrets could not be disclosed yet the flora and fauna of the Amazon rainforest is continuously in the focus of intense research projects. By joining this fascinating internship programme, nature and wildlife enthusiasts get the opportunity to learn more about the diverse fauna of the Amazon Basin, particularly selected primate species, and to acquire essential research know-how.


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