Ein Grizzlybär auf offener Wiese vor Waldrand

Your trip at a glance


  • Discover Canada’s fasci­nating fauna in their natural habitat
  • Acquire valuable knowledge about the local wildlife
  • Sleep two nights at a Western ranch in British Columbia’s pristine nature
  • Spend the other night in camps in the mountains and feel the connec­tion to the wilder­ness
  • Meet people from all over the world
  • Experi­ence breath­taking natural landscapes


British Columbia

Plan your trip

  • Included in the programme fee
    • Placement in the programme
    • Assistance with travel arrangements
    • Assistance with selecting travel insurance
    • Assistance with booking flights
    • Risk coverage certificate

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Daniel, your travel agent for Canada

You would like to learn more about this trip? Don't hesitate to contact me! Our service doesn't end with your departure: I answer all of your questions and support you before, during and after your stay abroad.

Panoramablick entlang einer verschneiten Gebirgskette mit Vegetationsgrenze und einem grossen See
Ein Adler sitzt auf einem Nadelbaum und haelt Ausschau nach Beutetieren
Eine Herde von Dickhornschafen klettert durch das Gebirge
Nahaufnahme eines Rehkitz mit flauschigem geflecktem Fell
Panoramablick auf einen Nadelwald mit einer angrenzenden Gebirgskette
Ein Grizzlybär auf offener Wiese vor Waldrand
Ein Wolf steht allein im Schnee im Wald

Animal tracking in Canada's wilderness

When joining this course you get to know Canada’s untouched nature through the eyes of its wild animals and experience an unforgettable outdoor adventure surrounded incomparable landscapes.

Nahaufnahme eines fressenden Wildtieres im Dickicht

Arrival and orien­ta­tion in British Columbia

First of all, you will book a flight to Vancouver International Airport and spend a night in a local hostel. The next morning, you'll take an express shuttle (extra charge) or hire a car from Vancouver to your accommodation: a ranch located a few hours north of Vancouver in the middle of the unspoilt wilderness of south-western British Columbia. Upon arrival, you'll have a hearty lunch, followed by a horseback riding orientation and an introductory ride. Afterwards, you will discuss further details of your tracking adventure and pack up your equipment for the start the next morning.

Ein Wolfsrudel schart sich um zwei Wolfsjunge

Activ­i­ties as a wildlife tracker in North America

From your arrival at the ranch around midday on Day 1 until your departure day, every moment will be immersed in horseback trek experiences. You'll master everything from packing and saddling to guiding the horses to grazing meadows each evening. Your guide will impart knowledge about wildlife, covering animals' habitats, instincts, and adaptive behaviors.

Depending on your interests, you can focus on cougars, wolves, California Bighorn Sheep, mountain goats, grizzly bears, moose, black bears, eagles, and more. Days will be spent trekking through forests, meadows, and hills, documenting all observations.


Accom­mo­da­tion during your nature trip

Experience the best of both worlds on your trek adventure! Spend your first and final nights at the cozy ranch, where you can choose between shared accommodations or a private room with your own bathroom. Enjoy three delicious meals daily, with breakfast and dinner served at the ranch and lunch provided during your daily expeditions.

As for the rest of your journey, embrace the rugged beauty of the mountains as you sleep under the stars in comfortable prospector tents. Let the soothing sounds of nature serenade you to sleep each night after your exhilarating days on the trails.

Weisses Pferd vor einer Pferderanch an der Waldgrenze

Leisure time as an adven­turer in British Columbia

During the day, immerse yourself in Canada's wildlife alongside your group, balancing packed schedules with moments of tranquil reflection. As evening falls, embrace ample free time: unwind in the ranch's library or lounge in garden deck chairs. Keep a wilderness and evening journal to capture and share your thoughts and experiences by the campfire.

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Learn what others say about their Natucate adventure.

Review Volunteering USA Florida Mustang Rescue – Anna-Lena

“I really recommend this programme. Natucate cared for me very well. I felt very comfortable and was sure I’m in good hands. I spent two unforgettable months in Florida.”

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Review Volunteering Namibia – Sabrina

“Of course, observing the desert elephants was a great experience. However, I will never forget falling asleep under the incredibly beautiful starry sky, which was an absolute highlight for me.”

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Review Internship Abroad USA Washington Agriculture – David

“Die Vielseitigkeit des Betriebs hat mir sehr gut gefallen, da alle Bereiche des Gartenbaus abgedeckt werden. Darum ist es ein sehr guter Einstieg für zum Beispiel Studenten, Landwirte etc.”

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Review Photos Volunteering USA California Nature Conservation – Justus

Justus spent 5 ½ months volunteering in our nature conservation project in California and took lots of amazing pictures. Here you can find some fantastic impressions of his time at the Golden Coast:

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  • reiseorte-kanada-british-columbia-vancouver-natucate
    1. British Columbia

    British Columbia is a Canadian province located on the Pacific coast between Canada's provinces of Yukon and Alberta and the United States. Vancouver is the largest city and at the same time the largest economic centre.

    First and foremost, forests dominate the 944,735 km² of British Columbia. The abundance of species that can be found here attracts countless travellers every year. Bears, elks, bobcats, wolves, pumas and lots of other wildlife can be seen with a bit of luck in the midst of the breathtaking wilderness – the perfect destination for every nature and outdoor enthusiast.
    British Columbia's pristine natural landscapes will be your home during your educational adventure in Canada.

    Learn more

Background of the wildlife tracking course in Canada

Canada – second largest country in the world and famous for its huge and untouched nature areas. Thanks to the variety of landscapes and different vegetation zones, Canada is also home to many wild animals like moose, caribous, wapitis, various kinds of bears, wolves, arctic foxes, and many other animals. The breathtaking flora and fauna is perfect for an unforgettable training adventure in the North American wilderness.


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