
Your trip at a glance


  • As a family, support local and inter­na­tional experts in the field of sea turtle conser­va­tion
  • Learn hands-on research and analysis skills from conser­va­tion special­ists
  • Encourage community awareness of the threat­ened logger­head and green turtles
  • Experi­ence a night under the stars protecting turtle nests
  • Contribute to a growing body of research helping to save the logger­head from extinc­tion


Beim Schnorcheln im Freiwilligenprojekt in Griechenland auf Kefalonia wurde eine Meeresschildkröte unter Wasser entdeckt.

Train and work in threatened species conservation in Greece as a family

Join forces to support those people who have made it their life's work to research and protect loggerhead and green sea turtles. The research you will do together not only raises awareness among the local population, but also contributes to a growing body of knowledge that helps to better understand and protect these endangered species.


Planning and arrival on Kefalonia island

The first option is to fly directly to Kefalonia Airport (EFL). From there, the journey goes by bus directly to the bus station in Argostoli or Lixouri. Alternatively, you can travel via the international airport in Athens, from where you continue your journey to Kefalonia by bus and ferry.

The project always starts on Thursday morning and departs from the bridge in Argostoli.


Your marine conser­va­tion activ­i­ties

During your time on the island of Kefalonia, you will participate together as a family in various practical activities to protect the sea turtles and their habitat: you will contribute to basic research, observe the turtle nests and their behaviour, and at the same time gain valuable knowledge about the marine world. Depending on the season, the focus of the work varies - from the mating season (April to mid-May) to the breeding season (mid-May to the end of July) to the hatching season (end of July to the end of October).


In the morning hours, you patrol the beach looking for turtle nests and fresh turtle tracks. At night, you work together on the beach to look for and document adult turtles coming ashore to nest - an exciting experience for the whole family. Once the turtles have hatched, all volunteers play an important role in ensuring that the baby turtles make it safely to the sea.

Beach clean-ups, tagging sea turtles (especially in Argostoli in April, May, and October), rescuing injured sea turtles, researching turtle behaviour, and monitoring by drone and port checks are all part of your marine conservation duties.


Your two locations: Lixouri and Argostoli

This project has two different research centres: one in Lixouri and one in Argostoli. You organise your own accommodation and meals as a family. Of course, we are happy to help you find accommodation; there is also the rather adventurous option of spending the nights on a campsite.

In Lixouri, you have more possibilities to eat out because of the proximity to the city centre, while in Argostoli, for example, you are mainly dependent on your food.


Your leisure time in Greece

You will have plenty of free time to relax and explore Kefalonia. Visit historical sites, relax on the beach, discover picturesque villages, and experience the local culture.

Every week, our project partner organises optional leisure activities for all volunteers. At campfires, volleyball tournaments, and barbecue or pizza evenings, you are welcome to participate as a family and exchange ideas with the other volunteers.

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Learn what others say about their Natucate adventure.

Review Volunteering Greece - Annalena

“It was a time I will never forget!”

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Review Volunteering Greece - Milena

“Once you see a turtle, you forget you're tired and it's the best thing you've ever seen.”

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Eine Babyschildkröte, die gerade geschlüpft ist, befindet sich am Strand
In der Nähe des Forschungszenturm in Costa Rica findet man Kokusnusspalmen
Review Volunteering Costa Rica Turtle Conservation - Emily

“The highlight of the project for me was seeing the baby turtles making their way out to the ocean and getting pulled in by the waves.”

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Die bunten, einstöckigen Häuser im Regenwald mit Nähe zum Meer dienen als Unterkunft für Volunteers wie Maria.
Die Brutstation auf dem Sandstrand im Costa Rica Meeresschildkrötenprojekt ist im Schatten und hat eine Aussicht aufs Meer.
Review Volunteering Costa Rica Turtle Conservation - Maria

“I had hoped that the work would be so much fun that it wouldn't feel like work at all, and that's exactly what happened.”

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  • reiseort-asos-kefalonia-griechenland-meeresschildkroeten-natucate
    1. Kefalonia

    The Greek island of Kefalonia is a sea turtle paradise at the exit of the Gulf of Patras. The predominantly mountainous island, with altitudes of up to 1,628 m, lies west of the Greek mainland in the Ionian Sea and makes the heart of hiking enthusiasts beat faster. Argostoli, the idyllic island capital, sits on a hill overlooking a small harbour. The underground lake Melissani, charming villages and extensive vineyards provide a stunning setting. The typical rugged, dry landscape is complemented by limestone cliffs along the coast and hidden bays with white sand and pebble beaches. Along the southwest coast, most of the sandy beaches are nesting sites for sea turtles.

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Background of the sea turtle conser­va­tion project in Greece

Throughout the world, there are seven species of sea turtles. Six of these seven species are classified as “endangered” or “vulnerable”. There are various reasons for this: many are victims of by-catch in fishing, others lose their eggs to poachers, and increasingly, as global temperatures rise, a mismatch of the sexes occurs, resulting in more female young than male.

Although both the loggerhead sea turtle and the green sea turtle can be seen in Greek waters, only the loggerhead sea turtle comes ashore to lay its nests on the beaches. Loggerheads face the risk of extinction, and although they are protected by Greek and European law, there is still much more work to be done. Our partner is committed to protecting these long-distance swimmers and their natural habitat. Passionate volunteers who join us will have the unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience and raise public awareness of this keystone species.


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