Freiwillige unseres Naturschutzprojekts an Neuseelands Kauri Coast geniessen einen farbenpraechtigen Sonnenuntergang

Your trip at a glance


  • Actively contribute to protect New Zealand’s nature and wildlife
  • Go back to the roots and experi­ence living off the grid
  • Explore magical rainforests and fasci­nating wildlife
  • As a univer­sity student: Gain practical experi­ence or even write your thesis


Die Kauri Coast auf der Nordinsel von Neuseeland: Heimat uralter Regenwaelder und faszinierender Tierarten
Kauri Coast

Plan your trip

  • Included in the programme fee
    • Placement in the programme
    • Assistance with travel arrangements
    • Assistance with selecting travel insurance
    • Assistance with booking flights
    • Risk coverage certificate

Write An Email

Meghan, your travel expert for New Zealand

Don't hesitate to contact me if you would like to learn more about this journey! I answer all of your questions and assist you before, during and after your adventure abroad.

Aufnahme eines eleganten Vertreters der Avifauna an der neuseelaendischen Kauri Coast
Freiwillige unseres Naturschutzprojekts an Neuseelands Kauri Coast geniessen einen farbenpraechtigen Sonnenuntergang
Blick durch zwei Baeume hindurch auf eine weite Wiesen- und Baumlandschaft in Neuseeland
Ein verwunschenes Gewaesser inmitten eines uralten Regenwalds an der neuseelaendischen Kauri Coast
Farngewaechse und Baeume in den uralten Regenwaeldern der Kauri Coast Neuseelands
Freiwillige unseres Naturschutzprojekts an Neuseelands Kauri Kueste geniessen gemeinsam die untergehende Sonne
Volunteerunterkunft mit Aussenbereich unseres Naturschutzprojekts an Neuseelands Kauri Coast
Blick ueber die Volunteerunterkuenfte unseres Naturschutzprojekts an Neuseelands Kauri Coast
Ein maechtiger Baum steht inmitten einer weitlaeufigen Graslandschaft an Neuseelands Kauri Kueste

Volunteering in New Zealand

Become a conservation volunteer at New Zealand’s magnificent Kauri Coast, help protect magical rainforests and endangered species and experience the country in a way only a few people do.

Volunteers unseres Naturschutzprojekts an Neuseelands Kauri Kueste stehen zusammen an der Unterkunft

Arrival and orien­ta­tion in New Zealand

Project start is always on a Monday. You need to fly to Auckland International Airport where you should arrive one day earlier, on Sunday, and spend one night in the city. On Monday morning, you need to catch a public bus to Whangarei. In Whangarei, our partner’s transfer will pick you up and take you to the project site. Here you can settle in and get to know your team before receiving an overview of important rules and your upcoming tasks.

Zwei Volunteers unseres Naturschutzprojekts an Neuseelands Kauri Coast durchstreifen den Regenwald

Activ­i­ties as a conser­va­tion volunteer

After your arrival on Monday, project work starts on the next day. You will be part of an international volunteer team, always instructed and trained by experienced supervisors. On the Tuesday following your arrival you will learn about the uniqueness of New Zealand’s nature and about the challenges that we face in the conservation work that we do. You will also be introduced to the forest in which you will be working in. The training will continue with the basic navigational skills which are necessary to operate in a dense rainforest area (incl. map, compass, and markers).

Artenschutz in Neuseeland: Ein Mitarbeiter unseres Volunteerprojekts an der Kauri Coast untersucht einen Kiwi

Learning how to use radio for communication or emergencies will also be part of your training. After you’ve been taught these navigation and safety basics, you will finally get involved in contributing to the biodiversity protection of four different forests near your base station. Conservation tasks typically include kiwi, kokako, and rodent monitoring, installing and monitoring traps, installing, refilling, and monitoring bait stations, cutting and marking tracks, weed control and planting of native plants, seed collection and data entry. Another part of your work focuses on maintaining and enhancing your operational base.

Zwei Volunteers unseres Naturschutzprojekts an Neuseelands Kauri Kueste bei Arbeiten im Regenwald

Tasks may include setting up fences, landscaping, painting walls, weeding and maintaining the herb garden and just general help around the place. Last but not least, you will spend one day per week going on exciting nature excursions to further discover New Zealand’s landscapes and wildlife together with your entire team. If you are looking for practical experience for your university credit or would like to write a thesis for your degree, just let the Natucate team know – we will contact our partner who is quite experienced with academic requirements and will support your plans (may involve extra costs).

Volunteers unseres Naturschutzprojekts an Neuseelands Kauri Coast stehen zusammen auf einer Wiese

Please note: Activities are always dependent on the area you work in and on the weather conditions (New Zealand is an island with changing climate). This is why your daily/weekly schedule may vary, sometimes even quite short-term. Volunteers need to flexible and to be able to adapt to shifting circumstances.

Furthermore, the project pauses on the last weekend of each month. During this time, volunteers need to leave the base station. They will be dropped off in Dargaville on Friday at 07:00 AM and picked up again on Monday at 05:30 PM. Accommodation, board and individual trips are not included on this weekend.

Blick ueber die Volunteerunterkuenfte unseres Naturschutzprojekts an Neuseelands Kauri Coast

Accom­mo­da­tion as a volunteer

As a volunteer you will stay on the sanctuary grounds, located at the edge of a forest at the Kauri Coast. The location is very remote and therefore a wonderful opportunity for reconnecting with the natural surroundings. Accommodation consists of several cabins which include a kitchen, sanitary facilities and dining room as well as an outside area. You will sleep in a shared room, equipped with bunk beds.

Volunteerunterkunft mit Aussenbereich unseres Naturschutzprojekts an Neuseelands Kauri Coast

You will receive three meals per day which you need to help prepare. Drinking water, tea, hot chocolate, and coffee are also included and available throughout the day.

Please remember: your base is amidst New Zealand’s breathtaking wilderness which means that electricity or running water will not be available. Water is heated up so you can have a hot shower; solar panels are used to be able to charge small electronic devices.

Blick ueber eine sonnenbeschienene Wiese bzw Lichtung an Neuseelands Kauri Kueste

Leisure time during the conser­va­tion project

As a volunteer, you will always have leisure time in between. This will mostly be in the evening hours. Furthermore, you will have an entire day off, usually on Monday. To give you the chance to charge your batteries after a week of hard conservation work, our partner offers different relaxation activities to further introduce you to the beauty of New Zealand. Excursions include safaris to explore the rainforest’s magical wildlife, swimming trips to a nearby lake, beach walks, or a mountain climb.

FAQ – Learn more about this trip

Learn what others say about their Natucate adventure.

Auslandsaufenthalt in Neuseeland: Eine Bucht mit Blick auf den Pazifik
Blick auf den offenen Ozean und die aufgehende Sonne
Review Volunteering New Zealand – Sandra

“Living simply, taking care of each other, growing together as a team, testing limits. This all gave me so much positive energy, which I do not want to miss.”

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Blick auf den Pazifik und einer weiteren Insel
Review Volunteering New Zealand – Arde

“I was able to improve my English, witnessed unique landscapes and a fascinating flora and fauna, which I had never seen before.”

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Review Volunteering New Zealand – Lara

“The experience as a conservation volunteer was great, I had a great time and would like to thank the Natucate team!”

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Review Volunteering New Zealand – Jannik

“In the projects I expected to meet other volunteers from all over the world, to see some of New Zealand's beautiful scenery, to get a little introduced to the biodiversity and special species and to do some meaningful work. All this has been fulfilled.”

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  • Die Kauri Coast auf der Nordinsel von Neuseeland: Heimat uralter Regenwaelder und faszinierender Tierarten
    1. Kauri Coast

    The Kauri Coast is a region on the west coast of New Zealand’s North Island, stretching from Pouto up to Whangape Harbour. The coast owes its name to the Kauri tree, the largest native tree in the country which occurs in huge, ancient forests spread across the northern districts of the island.

    When travelling the Kauri Coast, you’ll come across several of these impressive forests with the Waipoua Forest being home to the oldest remaining Kauri trees, one over 2,000 years in age. But also the region’s beaches, river landscapes and interesting cultural history leave visitors in awe. The Kauri Coast is definitely a breathtaking place to visit on a trip to beautiful New Zealand.

    Learn more

Purpose of the volunteer project in New Zealand

Due to New Zealand’s isolated position, a large number of endemic animal and plant species have developed on the island nation over millions of years. A unique fauna, primal fern forests and mighty kauri trees fascinate visitors and residents alike.

As the country has no native land mammals, birds have taken up a number of their ecological niches. Forest birds like the kokako and flightless birds such as the kakapo or kiwi play an important role in the ecosystem.

But since European settlers brought land mammals like cats, dogs and rats with them, numerous of these unique bird species are now seriously threatened. Environmental pollution, habitat loss, intensive agriculture and climate change are further risks for the pristine ecosystem.

This volunteer programme combines teachings about nature with the chance to enjoy and fully immerse yourself into it. By supporting environmental monitoring and other conservation measures volunteers make a valuable contribution to maintaining the natural biodiversity of New Zealand. At the same time, they get to know the country’s wild beauty in an incomparable way, leaving them with life-enhancing memories and, hopefully, moving them to spread the word about the importance of nature and wildlife protection.


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