
Your trip at a glance


  • Get involved in species conser­va­tion on the exotic Galapagos Islands
  • Support the protec­tion and care of giant tortoises and/​or sea turtles
  • Engage with the community and experi­ence Galapagueño culture
  • Learn from a team of extremely experi­enced local and inter­na­tional conser­va­tion­ists
  • Utilize the unique oppor­tu­nity to get involved in two distinct conser­va­tion projects in the same location


Galápagos Islands

Plan your trip

  • Included in the programme fee
    • Placement in the programme
    • Assistance with travel arrangements
    • Assistance with booking flights
    • Assistance with selecting travel insurance
    • Risk coverage certificate

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Meghan, your travel expert for Ecuador

Don't hesitate to contact me if you would like to learn more about this journey! I answer all of your questions and assist you before, during and after your adventure abroad.


Species Conservation on Isabela Island

Volunteer on the Galapagos Islands and support species conservation while exploring this paradise of biodiversity.


Travel­ling to Isabela Island

All volunteers will arrive on Isabela Island on a Monday. Your journey will begin by flying to Baltra Airport also called Seymour Airport (GPS) on Baltra Island/Seymour Norte via Guayaquil or Quito Airport on mainland Ecuador.

It is important to arrive in Baltra no later than noon. From Baltra, you can either take an island-hopper flight directly to Isabela Island or begin your continued travels to site via land and sea.


This includes a 10-minute bus ride, followed by a short ferry ride to Santa Cruz Island. From there, you will take a bus or taxi to Puerto Ayora on the other side of the island.

Finally, you will take a 2-hour ferry and a quick water taxi ride to Isabela, where you will be greeted by project staff.

We are happy to help you plan your arrival trip so that you have a pleasant journey.


Activ­i­ties as a volunteer

Project 1: Tortoise Breeding Centre

  • Cleaning and maintenance of enclosures
  • Data collection and behaviour analysis
  • Preparing food and feeding the tortoises
  • Looking out for nests and eggs in enclosures
  • Informing visitors about the giant tortoises and how they can support conservation measures

Project 2: Sea Turtle Conservation

  • Collecting data to determine the nesting patterns of the Green Sea Turtle
  • Marking nesting sites and monitoring activity
  • Collecting waste found on beach patrols
  • Analysing nest success after hatching
  • Removal of invasive plants
  • Measuring beach erosion

Both projects offer the opportunity to learn about key species of the Galapagos Islands, support their population growth, and raise awareness regarding the importance of species and habitat conservation efforts.

You are welcome to spend your entire stay on Isabela Island working on one of these projects or split your time between the two. Please note that a minimum of two weeks for each project and a minimum of four weeks in total are required.


Accom­mo­da­tion at the project

During your stay as a volunteer, you will be accommodated in the volunteer house, which is centrally located in Puerto Villamil.

You will have your own room with a private bathroom, air conditioning in the bedroom, and a common area with a porch, kitchen, and living room that you will share with other volunteers.


Leisure and catering

You are responsible for buying ingredients and preparing your breakfast each day, or maybe just selecting a pastry from the panadería on your way to your shift. You will have access to a fully equipped kitchen in your accommodation.

Lunch and dinner are provided at a selection of restaurants around town, offering over 15 different options from typical Ecuadorian food to BBQ, falafel, or all organic.


You'll simply sign for your meals, and the local team will settle the bill at the end of the month. This arrangement enables you to mingle with the locals and contribute to the local economy during your stay.

You will have two free days a week, allowing you to partake in water sports, explore the island, go hiking, or unwind at the beach. You can also organise excursions together with other volunteers.

FAQ – Learn more about this trip

  • natucate-blog-ecuador-travel-guide-galapagos-overview-islands
    1. Galápagos Islands

    The Galápagos Islands, located in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Ecuador, are renowned for their unique biodiversity and fascinating evolutionary history. These volcanic islands are home to a vast array of endemic species, many of which inspired Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection. Visitors to the Galápagos can witness giant tortoises, marine iguanas, blue-footed boobies, and other remarkable creatures found nowhere else on Earth. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect this delicate ecosystem, ensuring that future generations can continue to marvel at its wonders.

About the Galapagos Islands

The Galapagos Islands are a haven for explorers and naturalists, renowned worldwide for their breathtaking landscapes and extraordinary wildlife. Once sustained primarily by fishing, these islands have transitioned to leading the charge in ecotourism, proudly boasting an impressive 95% preservation of their original biodiversity, making them stand out as one of the most pristine destinations on the planet.

When you volunteer with us as a species and habitat conservationist, you're not only immersing yourself in the natural wonders of the Galapagos but also actively contributing to the sustainable development of the islands. In accordance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the project channels a significant portion of your fees into initiatives focused on nature conservation, education, sustainable agriculture, and social development, ensuring a holistic approach to responsible ecotourism and international volunteerism. It's worth noting that the remaining 55% of the volunteer fee directly supports volunteers' accommodations, meals at local restaurants, transportation, and other needs, thereby also benefiting local families and businesses.

The Galapagos Islands represent a precious ecosystem that requires preservation through education and active engagement. The efforts of our conservation volunteers, alongside local, dedicated staff, are critical to protecting wildlife and biodiversity for future generations.


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