
Your trip at a glance


  • Advocate for the protec­tion of wild animals
  • Gain experi­ence in nature and species conser­va­tion
  • Learn in an inter­na­tional community of experts
  • Gain insight into the daily care and rehabil­i­ta­tion of rescued and endan­gered wild animals
  • Explore Malawi's wildlife and landscapes during your project time


Lilongwe Game Reserve

Plan your trip

  • Included in the programme fee
    • Placement in the programme
    • Assistance with travel arrangements
    • Assistance with selecting travel insurance
    • Assistance with booking flights
    • Risk coverage certificate

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Terry, your travel agent for Malawi

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Lilongwe Wildlife Sanctuary

Join the wildlife conservation project in Lilongwe, Malawi, and actively support the rehabilitation of injured and rescued wildlife.


Arrival in Lilongwe

For your journey to Malawi, we recommend travelling to Lilongwe via Kamuzu International Airport . You will be warmly welcomed by the project team in the arrivals hall and take you to the Lilongwe Wildlife Centre, which is about 30 minutes by car from the airport. After you have settled into your accommodation, the local project team will give you an introduction and show you the surrounding area. You will find out where the nearest cash machine is, and which shops are nearby. Note: The project always starts on Tuesdays.


Activ­i­ties as a volunteer

As a volunteer, you will spend most of your time with the dedicated animal care team that looks after the welfare of injured, orphaned, and abused wild animals. Animal rehabilitation is important, if not always glamorous, work. It involves tasks such as chopping up food, cleaning enclosures, and even feeding orphaned monkeys at 3 am. But each of these activities makes a real difference. You will also be actively involved in the care of the animals, including cleaning, sanitising, feeding, and maintaining their habitat.


Your programme will also include looking after orphans, observing wild animals, and integrating them into the community of conspecifics. You will also have the chance to learn more about specialised areas of work such as enrichment, observation, and rehabilitation techniques.

Please note that you will not be directly involved in the release of the animals, as this task is the responsibility of the trained team of experts. However, your contribution as a volunteer is invaluable to the welfare, rewilding process, and future of these animals.


Accom­mo­da­tion in Lilongwe

The volunteer house can accommodate up to 17 people in six bedrooms. A supplement may be charged for single rooms. The house also has a lounge, a kitchen, indoor and outdoor dining areas, two bathrooms, a laundry room, a terrace, and a garden. WLAN and cleaning/laundry service are included. The building is located in the middle of the nature reserve, so you can experience the magic of bush life after a hard day's work and enjoy the sounds of the forest by the fire in the evening.


Free time and catering

Enjoy freshly prepared meals from our on-site chef every day, except on Sundays when volunteers can cook for themselves or enjoy leftovers from the previous day. The vegetarian/vegan menu offers a variety of international and local dishes.

Five days a week you help with wildlife conservation, the other two days are at your leisure. The centre of Lilongwe City with its restaurants, shops, and markets is only ten minutes away. There are also various hiking trails in the immediate vicinity, or you can organise an excursion with other volunteers.

FAQ – Learn more about this trip

  • volunteering-malawi-sanctuary-lilongwe-nature
    1. Lilongwe Game Reserve

    Lilongwe Wildlife Reserve, located in the capital city of Malawi, Lilongwe, is a vital sanctuary for the conservation of wildlife and environmental education. Established to protect and rehabilitate injured, orphaned, and rescued wild animals, the reserve spans a diverse landscape of forests, grasslands, and wetlands. It is home to a wide range of species, including antelopes, primates, and various bird species. The reserve also plays a crucial role in community outreach and education, promoting conservation awareness among locals and visitors alike. Through guided tours and interactive programs, Lilongwe Wildlife Reserve offers a unique opportunity to learn about and contribute to wildlife conservation in Malawi.

Background on the project initia­tive in Malawi

Malawi is amid a conservation revolution: in recent years, the government has passed strict laws and dismantled organised crime syndicates against wildlife crime. Major investments in protected areas have led to an increase in wildlife populations and even the return of the "Big Five" to some areas. As a result, Malawi has quickly made a name for itself as an emerging leader in African conservation.

The Lilongwe Wildlife Trust was established in 2009 when the first and to date only wildlife sanctuary in Malawi was opened. Many of the first animal residents were rescued from a neglected zoo in the bustling capital Lilongwe. Since then, it has developed into one of the country's leading conservation organisations, running programmes that include wildlife rescue, biodiversity research, conservation, environmental education, campaigns, and other conservation initiatives.


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